
<![if !vml]>标题: Front Page Image - 说明 Purple Floral Arrangement<![endif]>




<![if !vml]>Flower accent icon<![endif]>  PG. 1

Give us a blurb about a story on this page.  Tell us what to expect and what the headline is.

<![if !vml]>Flower accent icon<![endif]>  PG. 2

Give us a blurb about a story on page 2.  Put a quote from the story here to get the audience interested.

<![if !vml]>Flower accent icon<![endif]>  PG. 3

Give us a blurb about a story on page 3.  Make this your own!

<![if !vml]>已保留: “Add a Quote to Highlight your Newsletter or Cover Story!”<![endif]>

<![if !vml]>Flower accent icon, larger<![endif]>  your title goes here

This is a place to put either a headline story, introduction to your newsletter, or anything else you would like to highlight.  This is a spot for a newsletter top story worthy of the first page.

Throughout this template example, you will find various tips about how to make this document your own, from changing images, to updating text and colors.  Create!


<![if !vml]>Image and title group on second page<![endif]>

<![if !vml]>Flower accent icon on second page<![endif]>  your title goes here

We think the design of this newsletter is great as is!  But, if you do not agree, you are able to make it yours by making a few minor design tweaks!  Tips on updating specific features are available throughout this example text.

To change any of the text in this document, just click on the block of text you want to update!  The formatting has already been programmed for ease of formatting.

Have other images you wish to use?  It is simple to replace any of the pictures in this pamphlet.  Simply double click in the Header of any page.  Click twice on the image you wish to change.  Images in the background might need an extra click as they are part of the background’s grouped images.  Keep clicking until your selection handles are around the one image you wish to replace.

Once the image you wish to replace is selected, you can either select “Change Picture” from the short cut menu, or click on “Fill” and choose the option for “Picture.”

You can easily change the overall colors of the template with just a few clicks.  Go to the Design tab and click on Colors.  From the list of colors, you can choose a different color scheme.  As you hover over the different choices, you can see what the overall feel of the document will change with each different option.

Changed the color and want to go back to the original design?  Easy!  Just go back to the Design tab and choose the Themes option.  From the list, click the option to reset the theme of this template.  And just like that, your document color scheme will be restored to its original!



“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.”

<![if !vml]>Flower accent icon on third page<![endif]>  your title goes here

In the same way you change the colors, you can update the fonts of the entire document easily!  From the Design tab, choose a font combination that fits your taste.

Reset the theme to restore the template to its original state!

To change any of the text in this document, just click on the block of text you want to update!  The formatting has already been programmed for ease of formatting.

In this panel, you can highlight even more information about your organization!  Tell the audience why you are the best!  Don’t be shy!  Share, explain, and tell us what makes your company so great!

Plenty of text will fit in any of these panels.  Simply click on the placeholders and add your own text.

<![if !vml]>标题: Large Image - 说明 Flowers outside flower shop<![endif]>


CrownFlex Water Washable Flexo Plates


The printing process uses Flat Top Dot Technology. This means there is practically no dot gain during the printing process. The prints will become sharper. The printing quality will improve immediately without any further changes on the press.


Catalogue download here



The following Six advantages:  ( KEY BENEFITS ) :    


  • Green Printing ( ECO )
  • High Quality (Flat top dot)
  • More Efficiency
  • Lower Cost in use
  • High Durability
  • Good Compatibility



Green Printing : 

( ECO ) (Environmental friendly) :

  • During the process of development, only water and dishwasher soap is used.
  • There is no need to use solvents, including the unhealthy vapors and bad smell of it.
  • A much shorter drying time means also less use of energy.
  • (add a small amount of dishwasher soap in warm tap water of 40 to 50 degrees )
  • Suitable for food, clothing labels and pharmaceutical packaging requirements
  • No pollution, no solvent and waste disposal handling fees
  • ( Lower Cost in-use )
  • More safety for work: (no toxic solvents / chemicals  required)
  • Only needs to use tap water and dishwasher soap in the process of development.
  • Therefore, no toxic solvents or chemicals required which is more safety for work.


 High Quaity & High Durabiity:

  • Innovative technology of Crownflex washable flexo with built-in flat top dot structure,
  • without Bump-up adjustment curve, can form 200 lpi, 1% flat top dot.
  • Excellent ink transferability and do not easy to stick paper powder during printing.
  • Therefore, it can reach more clearly and sharply printing quality effect.
  • High reproducibility performance, able to reproduce detailed fine images and lines.
  • High printing durability : stickers/ labels (above 75 km) ; Flexible packing (above 300 km)



 More Efficiency:    

  • Shorter processing / drying time dramaticaly

  • Compared to solvent washable plates, the processing time of water washable plates is shorter dramatically.

  • ( 40 minutes of plate making time only 


QC Certificate : 

  • ISO9001 & ISO14001


Plate  Making Process